How to MAXIMIZE LEED points with lighting that is Beautiful, Sustainable, and Achievable
LEED 2009 for Commercial Interiors contains 37 points under Energy and Atmosphere (EA). Task-Vertical-Ambient lighting strategies are an easy way to hit 6 of those points. Daylighting response, motion sensors, time scheduling and shade controls, cannot earn more than a total of 4 points combined.
The reason for the greater number of points in Energy and Atmosphere is because of the emphasis placed on being energy efficient. When we talk about energy efficiency and lighting, we have to look at two distinct topics:
• Efficiency of the fixture
• Effectiveness of how the fixture’s light output is used.
How can we use both the efficiency of the fixture and the effectiveness of it’s output to help create beautiful spaces which utilize sustainable strategies of reduced fixture material and energy, and make achievable the goals of “within-time, within-budget”? Simply put, the answer lies in how we use the fixtures to light the different surfaces.
Finelite has collaborated with the California Energy Commission and New York State Energy Research Development Authority on demonstration research projects which clearly show that (3) steps work together for Beautiful, Sustainable, Achievable lighting.