
TCS Mobile App

The FineTune® Tailored Control System (TCS) App was developed to add, edit, and manage the advanced features of FineTune TCS. The mobile app allows the user to create named spaces, program hours of operations, customize system settings for each space, and create Tunable White transitions schedules, or utilize "Factory Designed" Daylight and Wellness schedules that can be easily saved and repeated throughout a building.

Download FineTune TCS App for iOS


Download FineTune TCS App for Android



  • FineTune TCS Mobile App
  • badge static white
  • Tunable White Luminaires Badge
  • IES Selection 2019 Badge
Organize Your Building

Organize Your Building

The TCS App allows users to easily select, configure and name each space within a building.

Managing each space becomes intuitive for any user. Push to select the space from the list and edit advanced features.

TCS encourages each user to take control of their space and make it their own.


Optimize Each Space

Optimize Each Space

Every space has a Home Screen that allows users to easily navigate and set advanced features.

Quickly add Security with a passcode to keep unintended users from accessing a space.

Adjust Operational Hours to suite the schedule of your building.

Add and Edit Tunable White schedules to enhance the indoor environment for the inhabitants.


Use Factory Designed Schedules

Use Factory Designed Schedules

Factory Designed "Daylight" and "Wellness" schedules are preloaded within the FineTune TCS App. Easily add color schedules to create Tunable White environments that help transform:

• Classrooms that improve students' overall mood and learning

• Healthcare institutions where patients can rest and recover more swiftly

• Commercial spaces to boot the overall well-being and productivity of office place workers


Create Custom Color Schedules

Create Custom Color Schedules

TCS provides the user with design flexibility to create Tunable White transitions schedules.

Simply select a time.

Then, choose a transition time.

Lastly, specify a CCT between 2700K - 6500K.


Save User Defined Settings

Save User Defined Settings

TCS provides the user with the ability to save and repeat system functions throughout a building.

Once a space setting is "Saved" a “Card” is generated.

Cards allow users to easily go from space to space and upload already created and saved color and system settings.


Edit User Defined Settings

Edit User Defined Settings

The intuitive user interface allows users the ability to simply edit room settings and customize each space.

Manage occupancy or vacancy functionalities.

Set high end trims.

Adjust demand response load reductions.


Add Room Security

Add Room Security

To ensure privacy and setting security, easily assign system administration users for access.