PIER Lighting Research Program: Project 4.5 Integrated Classroom Lighting System
(January, 2005) - With input from Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) representatives, Finelite Inc. used a combination of best practices and new technologies to develop and test an Integrated Classroom Lighting System (ICLS) for K-12 classrooms.
The system includes indirect luminaires with energy efficient T-8 lamps and electronic ballast, a teacher control center located at the front of the classroom, and plug-and-play components.
Working with six California schools, variations of the ICLS were installed in 19 classrooms. Researchers continuously monitored the ICLS and other baseline classrooms for one school year and analyzed the resulting data.
The data shows a 30 to 50 percent reduction in energy use in the ICLS classrooms with flexible and improved lighting conditions. The ICLS also provides approximately 40 to 50 footcandles of light on student’s desks while maintaining less than one watt per square foot (0.9/ S.F.) in the classrooms. Title-24 codes in 2005 require schools to have 1.2/ S.F. or less in new classrooms.
Surveyed teachers provided positive responses to the light levels and the quality of light in the classrooms. The ICLS provides quality lighting and is an economical alternative to typical classroom lighting designs. To help minimize support and warranty costs, it is bundled as a package system with one source of responsibility.