HPR-SL High Performance Recessed Streamline

High Performance Recessed Streamline

HPR Streamline (HPR-SL) is the next chapter in high-performance recessed luminaires. Built on the success of our HPR line, HPR-SL takes lighting solutions to a new level with its superior efficacy. Its advanced optical design, exceptional quality, and ease of installation make HPR-SL a great solution for a wide variety of project goals and scopes.

* HPR-SL uses the same revit file as HPR

  • Industry Best 10 Year Warranty
  • 10-Day Shipping
  • IC Rated
  • Title 24 JA8

HPR-SL Collection

  • HPR-SL 2x2

    HPR-SL 2x2

  • HPR-SL 2x4

    HPR-SL 2x4

  • HPR-SL 1x4

    HPR-SL 1x4

Product Spotlight

  • HPR-SL up to 155 lumens per watt

    High Performance

    A mid-power approach resulting in lifetimes of L90 @ 100,000+ hours

  • HPR-SL enhanced energy savings with integrated sensors

    Enhanced Energy Savings – Integrated Sensors

    Integrate daylight and occupancy sensors in center optic

  • HPR-SL comes in 2x2, 2x4 and 1x4


    Accommodate ceiling types and add visual interest

  • HPR-SL is easy to maintain

    Easy Maintenance

    Lift and shift lenses and quick-connects for drivers and light engines

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